Not for Cats

Musings on Life, Spirit, Creating, Religion, Politics, Death and more...

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Mystical, practical, radical

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


The patterns that weave through existence are becoming clearer. Activating these patterns with the spark of the divine, connected to my divine spark, shows me a possibility for connecting to all. I saw a group of grackles chasing a coopers hawk and wondered at how they coordinate their actions to get the hawk to leave the territory. I then wondered how people can do it? There is language, obviously. But there are deeper, more subtle ways I think. Rupert Sheldrake speaks of biogenetic fields that all of existence operates in and creates. The patterns I am beginning to see may be the foundation of these fields. Perhaps humans can communicate through these means. Language is so fraught with distortions and mis-communications it can be more of a distraction than help. If we, those who can, those who want to, can learn to put our intentions, directions, and actions into these patterns in a conscious way, as in certain kinds of prayer, we can give ourselves an option to language to communicate with. This is not intrusive as some technological signal sent out might be, since one can simply ask,"is this for the greatest good?" and it will be in alignment with that, and we can allow it in. It can be accepted or rejected. The messages are really already out there. People have been putting out their stuff for as long as we have thought beyond ourselves. Like Sheldrake talks about, the more of something out there the more it can be picked up on. I think I am seeing a possibility to do this directly, finding the pattern, setting the thought or idea into it and letting it go. This goes further than what I understood as prayer in that it is directed to a specific place in a pattern I can perceive. As opposed to a thought or idea sent to a general address like "the divine" or "the highest and best of all." Now to test the hypothesis. Come up with a good double blind and see what happens.


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